Biden’s lapses are repeated …

Biden’s lapses are repeated …

After taking part in a campaign to plant trees in the White House garden, Joe Biden appeared in a video clip and appears to be lost in it. This is a new joke for the American president.

According to the newspaper “Daily Mail”, Biden began “confused” moving in one direction, but he suddenly stopped and began to ask the guards about the path they were taking, and when his guards directed him in the right direction, he said that he “wanted to walk in the other direction”, and they confirmed in return. Lapiden is free to go wherever he pleases, and in the end, Biden headed to the White House as directed by his security.

On another occasion, Biden showed up bewildered following a speech he gave in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he was unable to leave the podium.
According to “Fox News”, Biden, about a week ago in Pittsburgh, delivered a speech on building and rebuilding the infrastructure throughout the country, and the US President addressed voters from the site where a bridge collapsed about nine months ago, wounding ten people.

After finishing his address, Biden left the podium and turned away from the steps. He took a few moments to survey the turmoil around him, nodded, and said a loud phrase before turning and rushing up to the director.
Biden, who will turn 80 this year, has surpassed all previous presidents to hold the office. His opponents constantly accuse him of his mental deterioration, citing the repeated slip and errors he makes..

Biden keeps making mistakes.

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