Investor Jay Hands: Britain may become the sick man of Europe

Investor Jay Hands: Britain may become the sick man of Europe

Jay Hands, a British investor, warned that if the government does not get ready to renegotiate the terms of leaving the European Union, Britain “is heading on the road to become a sick European man” and may need IMF assistance.

Handz, the founding partner and president of Terra Verma Capital Partners, added to the British Investment and the ruling Conservative Party that the British economy “frankly sentenced to failure” if the conservatives do not choose a leader “who has the intellectual ability and power in order to re -negotiate the conditions for leaving the European Union,” according to Bloomberg Agency. to get news.

In the 2016 British referendum, Handz, who supported remaining in the European Union, claimed that the withdrawal deal from the EU could only be implemented “on the radical Tashari route,” in which the British did not participate. The British were the ones who chose to remain in the EU. Visualize it.
He added that the politicians should realize that the current exit agreement “has no hope at all and will only lead Britain to a catastrophic economic situation.

He claimed that failing to alter the agreement will result in greater taxes, higher interest rates, and reduced social services, followed by a later need for assistance from the IMF.

Investor Jay Hands: Britain might end up being Europe’s sick man

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