Iran seeks to intimidate the protesters by waving death

Iran seeks to intimidate the protesters by waving death

– Tehran Due to the protests the nation has seen since the death of the young woman, Muhsa Amini, the Iranian judiciary has indicted more than 300 people in Tehran, where four “rioters” are facing accusations that could result in the death penalty, according to local media.
Observers think Iran is using these accusations to step up its repression in an effort to quell violent rallies taking place in Iranian cities.

Amini, 22, who was killed on September 16 three days after being detained by the Ethics Police as a result of not adhering to the Islamic Republic’s rigorous dress codes, sparked demonstrations. which he spent with dozens of people, the most of whom were protesters, but also with members of the security forces, and the government dispersed thousands of “rioters.”

The Prosecutor of Tehran Ali Salhi reported the issuance of the indictment against 315 people, which includes “collusion against the security of the country”, “propaganda against the regime” and “violating public order”, according to what was reported by the “Mizan Online” website of the Judicial Authority.
He spoke of the filing of four indictment procedures against “four rioters on allegations of fighting,” who could receive the death penalty in the Islamic Republic.

The four are charged with “carrying a weapon to intimidate society and people, wounded security forces members, to set fire to public property and destroy it with the intention of violating the security of the country and confronting the Holy System of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” according to Salehi.

” For his part, the head of the judiciary, Ghulam Hussein Mohsni Khasi, confirmed that the course of following up the cases related to the protests “has started”, according to what was reported by Mizan Online.
He emphasised that “The law will be handled carefully and in accordance with the law during the trials of those who committed crimes and were connected to opponents of the revolution both inside and outside the nation as well as foreigners. These individuals will be punished in accordance with the law.

“In light of protests in Tehran and the Hormuzan Governorate in the south of the country, the judiciary stated on October 12 that more than 100 “rioters” had been indicted.
This month, “Mizan Online” reported that judges have been instructed not to be indulgent in the decisions they would actually make against people who seem to be guilty “the riot’s primary components.

Iran constantly links its protest movements to outside assistance in an effort to portray any call for change as the product of an outside plot.
The authorities imposed additional restrictions on the Internet recently after protests erupted in the wake of the death of Amini (22 years) three days after they were arrested by the Ethics Police against the background of their lack of commitment to the strict rules of dress in the Islamic Republic.

While the authorities announced the arrest of hundreds for their involvement in what they described as “riots and sabotage,” many, including members of the security services, were seen observing the protests from the sidelines.

With the threat of death, Iran tries to scare the demonstrators.

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