Russia confirms: The Ukrainian threat to the dirty bomb is real

Russia confirms: The Ukrainian threat to the dirty bomb is real

After the Western nations, led by the U.S., France, and Britain, questioned the veracity of the Russian accusations that Kev was planning provocations and the deployment of the “dirty bomb,” Moscow came back and reiterated its earlier claims.
The Ministry of Defense reaffirmed its daily reports that Ukraine had “reached the last stages of building this bomb, warning that radioactive materials may envelop Poland if it were to be detonated.

She explained that radioactive materials could travel up to 1500 kilometres in the atmosphere if the “dirty bomb” detonates.
In response, Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, emphasised that the threat from Ukraine regarding the “dirty bomb” is genuine.
According to the Russian Sputnik, he also thought that “it is up to the West if they wanted to believe it or not.”
Peskov, on the other hand, believed that neither Berlin nor Paris made any attempts to find a solution.

He stated: “Both German Chancellor Olaf Schultz and French President Emmanuel Macron “did not demonstrate any intention to listen to the views of the Russian side or to participate in any mediation attempts.
It is noteworthy that Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu was expressed on Sunday in telephone contacts with his French, Turkish and American counterparts, his concern about what he considered “possible provocations by Kyiv using a” dirty bomb “.

However, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France later reaffirmed in a joint statement that they denied these accusations and cautioned Moscow against using any excuse to intensify the confrontation.

Fears of the conflict and its crimes have increased since the beginning of the Russian military operation on Ukrainian territory on February 24. This is especially true after Russian President Vladimir Putin hinted to the potential of deploying the atomic bomb in a speech broadcast on September 21.

As a statement that many Western analysts took as indicating that the tactical nuclear weapons are planned, he stated at the time that he is prepared to use “all means” in his arsenal against the West if he touches any threat to the security and lands of his country.

Russia states that the threat from the dirty bomb in Ukraine is genuine.

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