Today’s memory .. The battle of Karbala, the killing of Qutuz, and the departure of Naguib Sorour

Today’s memory .. The battle of Karbala, the killing of Qutuz, and the departure of Naguib Sorour

On October 24, a number of significant occurrences that altered the course of history took place. Numerous luminaries in the fields of literature, politics, art, and other fields were born on this day, and they also left behind literary, political, and artistic personalities for us to remember. Because this date falls on an annual holiday, we’ll go over these events in the report that follows.

Important occasions
Imam Al-Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib, the members of his household, and his associates engaged the army of the caliph Yazid ibn Muawiyah in the Battle of Karbala in 680.
The Crusaders take control of Lisbon in 1147.
1260 – The Mamluk Commander Sultan Saif Al -Din Qutuz was killed, and Al -Zahir Baybars took office after him.
1917 saw the Russian October Revolution, which helped the Bolsheviks seize power.

The Wall Street Index collapsed in 1929, which was regarded as the precursor to the world economic crisis that erupted in the 1930s.
1945 – More than 26 nations, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United States, China, Syria, and Lebanon, acceded to the UN.
Following the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli peace accord and Mohamed Anwar Sadat’s trip to Jerusalem, Israel’s President Isaac Navon pays a visit to Egypt in 1980.

The Wall Street Index collapsed in 1929, which was regarded as the precursor to the world economic crisis that erupted in the 1930s.
1945 – More than 26 nations, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United States, China, Syria, and Lebanon, acceded to the UN.
Following the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli peace accord and Mohamed Anwar Sadat’s trip to Jerusalem, Israel’s President Isaac Navon pays a visit to Egypt in 1980.

The memories of today. The battle of Karbala, the killing of Qutuz, and the departure of Naguib Sorour

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