Know the best way to cook eggs to maintain nutrients

Know the best way to cook eggs to maintain nutrients

Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense protein sources you can eat, providing a healthy dose of numerous vitamins and minerals, in addition to choline, vitamin B, vitamin D, food cholesterol, zinc, and iron, each of which has its own health benefits. However, the way you cook your eggs can have an impact on how well they digest, as stated on the “Livestrong” website.
How does boiling eggs influence nutritional value?
Your body can absorb and use more proteins and vitamins when eggs are cooked.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, cooking also lowers the chance of contracting a sickness caused by germs like salmonella.
However, according to a June 2018 study in directions in endocrine and metabolism, excessive heat can harm cholesterol in eggs and result in cholesterol oxidation, which has been connected to conditions like cancer.

The most healthy way to eat eggs is to use a high temperature enough to kill pathogenic bacteria, but not too high to reduce nutrients or cause cholesterol oxidation, oxyxterol has been linked to an increase in the risk of pathogens in addition, so cooking eggs with a high temperature can harm anti -antibiotics Vitamin A, which assists in preventing oxidative damage to the body, is an example of useful oxidation.

The ideal method for cooking eggs
Uncooked eggs
When cooking boiled eggs, you can make the yolk soft or solid by boiling it for a longer or less. . scrambled eggs
Typically, low heat is used to cook the scrambled eggs, which helps retain the nutrients.

learn how to cook eggs in a way that keeps their nutrition.

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