Macron: Peace is possible when the Ukrainians are decided by “

Macron: Peace is possible when the Ukrainians are decided by “

“We should not allow peace today to be in the hands of the Russian government,” continued Macron, “because peace is only conceivable when the Ukrainians decide it.”
Macron defended Western support for Kiev, saying that “in order for the Ukrainian people to be able to choose peace (. . . ) as they had decided,” according to Agence France -Presse.

In front of the hundreds of political and religious leaders who came from all over the world to participate in this three-day summit, hosted by the St. IGidic Association, he said, “Peace will be developed with the other party, which is an adversary today, around a table.”
The French President landed in Rome on Sunday afternoon, and Pope Francis will greet him at the Vatican on Monday morning. It is the third meeting between Macron and the greatest ink since the election of the first in 2017.

In contrast to other Western leaders, particularly US President Joe Biden, Macron has been eager to speak with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, since the situation in Ukraine broke out last February.
On Friday, in Brussels, Kyiv and Moscow reiterated a return to the negotiating table when it became “acceptable” to Ukrainian President Voludmir Zellinski, but also “as soon as possible. “.

Macron: “When the Ukrainians are decided by, peace is achievable.”

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