The Battle of El Alamein .. The beginning of the end of the Second World War and the Nazi Governance

The Battle of El Alamein .. The beginning of the end of the Second World War and the Nazi Governance

Today marks the 80th anniversary of the Second Battle of El Alamein, which took place on October 23, 1942, in Al-Alamein, 90 kilometres west of Alexandria, between the British forces stationed in Egypt and the German forces.

The Second World War’s Al-Alamein battle, which took place 90 kilometres west of Alexandria in Egypt, saw a decisive victory for the allies and served as a turning point for the Western Sahara campaign. It is one of the most well-known battles of the 20th century, taking place in the North Africa Theater. It is also one of the decisive battles and one of the turning points in World War II.

In the science of military battles, it is also an example of the overwhelming blow, followed by a next blow that part of the enemy forces, and one of the most important tank battles throughout history.
The fight saw a resounding win for the allies and served as a turning point in the campaign for the Western Sahara.

In addition to its strategic significance, Victory in El Alamein paved the way for Italy’s invasion of Italy and the overthrow of the Benito Mosolini regime, which was allied with Hitler. This was a glimmer of hope in the possibility of defeating Germany and made a decisive difference. The allies captured 31,000 German soldiers, and they were able to eliminate the leadership of Africa in the German army, abosing Hitler’s dreams of controlling the Suez Canal and Middle

The battle of El Alamein represents a turning point in the history of the British military during World War II, according to Churchill, who was explaining the significance of this victory. Prior to the two battles of Alamein, we were fighting only to stay alive.

“The Dictionary of Historical Battles” by Salim claims that the battle in October “guided the British army Bernard Montgomery, and the British VIII, with the aid of the ninth division of the Australian army, led to the retreat of Rommel. The battle was won by the British army.

According to the book, Al-Alamein is one of the most significant tank battles in history. After the German forces’ victories in the prior desert battles, their issue in this battle was a severe lack of fuel caused by the British abandoning the Italian oil holder, which paralysed the movement of the tanks. As a result, the British forces were able to expel them from Libya and from all of Africa to Malta, and the battle saw the beginning of the end of the German occupation of Malta.


The El Alamein Battle. the commencement of the Second World War’s conclusion and Nazi rule

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