Watch .. King Swsens I ring made of gold

Watch .. King Swsens I ring made of gold

The Egyptian Museum contains unique Pharaonic artefacts for the Pharaohs and rulers, such as a ring made of gold and precious stones that bears the name of King in Switzerland I.
The first Swens is the twenty-first family’s third generation, dating to 1039 BC.

Egypt was ruled from Tanis, which is located east of the Delta. He fortified the Egyptian boundary against foreign attack and constructed royal palaces in Tanis in addition to his opulent royal tomb. The Lord Amoun, his wife Mut, and their son Khonsu made up a good triad.

The world got acquainted with the Pharaoh in Sussnce after the discovery of his tomb by the French Professor Pierre Monteh in the year 1940 AD, which was found in its entire treasures and was not looted, and the size of the silver that was found in his grave was called the Silver Pharaoh, and this discovery would constitute an important event such as the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun Lola that because of the timing of the discovery—right before the outbreak of World War II—there was less media coverage and attention than there was when the Tutankhamun cemetery was found.

Swsens I, the first.

Gold King Swens I’s ring is on display.

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