A “new path” for the Ukraine war … and a warning of a large -scale catastrophe

A “new path” for the Ukraine war … and a warning of a large -scale catastrophe

Moscow’s “nuclear blackmail” failed, according to André Yermak, the chief of the Ukrainian presidential office, who also claimed that the Kremlin “now turn to new intimidation measures.”
He emphasised that they “will not break us,” adding that “Ukraine will not submit to peace through coercion. We’ll react more forcefully.

The European Union, the United Nations, and other organisations are requested to establish an international monitoring mission to the Kakhovka Dam, according to Ukrainian Prime Minister Dennis Shammal, who made the following statement during a government meeting. International experts and the Ukrainian crew must arrive at the location right away.”
Shamegal emphasised that the power-generating electrical plant’s dam might be built “could lead to tens of communities being destroyed and thousands of casualties.

On Thursday night, Ukrainian President Folodimir Zellinski claimed that the Russians had placed explosives in a dam to hinder the soldiers in Moscow.
The northern Crimea canal will just vanish, Zelinski said, and that will be a catastrophe “large-scale catastrophe ”
In a similar vein, Thursday informed the European Union that “Jiusson is among the more than eighty towns that are present in the swift flood.

The Russian officials in Jiusson, on the other hand, refuted any booby-trapping of the dam and denounced Zelennsky’s “lies.”

A “new path” for the conflict in Ukraine as well as a foreboding of a major catastrophe

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