Lockerer achieves the best time in the second free experience of the American Formula-1 race

Lockerer achieves the best time in the second free experience of the American Formula-1 race

The Formula 1 World Championship’s second free practise for the American Grand Prix, which is planned for Sunday, was won by Ferrari driver Charles Lockeller on Friday evening (GMT).
Valtery Potas of Alpha Romeo finished second, and Australian Daniel Richardo of McLaren finished third.
The only drivers who did not test Perleli’s test tyres were the three who skipped the initial free experience.

The majority of participants in the free trials have concentrated on gathering information about Perleli tyres under unique competition conditions, such as fuel and a particular number of windings.
To determine the drivers’ launch centres for tomorrow’s race, the third unofficial qualifying experience is held today, Saturday, and is followed by the official qualifying experiences.

Max Versaben, the Red Ball driver from the Netherlands, has the chance to tie the Germans Michael Schumacher and Sebastian Vettel’s record of 13 victories in a single season. The Red Ball team also has the chance to decide the world championship category title with tomorrow’s race.

The American race will take place after the Red Bull team has over its spending cap from the previous season and is perhaps facing sanctions.

In the second free practise session for the American Formula-1 event, Lockerer records the fastest time.

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