Victorial reports of opinion poll warning: anxiety declines from the effects of climate change globally

Victorial reports of opinion poll warning: anxiety declines from the effects of climate change globally

According to the survey, roughly 48% of respondents think that climate change would be a very serious threat to their countries over the next 20 years.
Only 20% of their viewers think that climate change is a very significant concern in China, the country that produces the most greenhouse and mercury gas emissions worldwide, down from 23% in 2013, and this figure decreased globally by 1.5 percent in 2021.

The poll found that these results may be partially influenced by the Korona and fear of the Corona with reference to vital matters like health and lifestyle.
most exposed to environmental dangers
The poll found that the regions with the greatest environmental hazards were the least concerned about climate change, with more than 27% in the Middle East and North Africa expressing their worry and more than 39% in South Asia.

However, despite the misguided anxiety, the environmental bill for climate change is increasing worldwide, as a study conducted by the Institute of Economics and Peace has found 228 countries that 750 million people worldwide are now affected by the lack of nutrition, climate change and high inflation rates.
In 83 countries, the survey found that more than one billion and 400 million people experience severe water scarcity, with only 20% of the population having access to clean drinking water.

The survey also revealed that a significant clean water crisis is anticipated in many European nations by 2040.
According to the report, air pollution kills 6 to 9 million people each year and costs the global economy $8 trillion.
Dr., the East Institute for Studies’ director,

Sami Nader, considered in an interview with “Sky News Arabia” that the priorities have changed among citizens and the media, as they have become urgent issues in the spotlight such as the Korona, inflation and high prices.
Nader emphasised that because of their internal problems, economic and social concerns, and lack of enthusiasm, developing nations in particular have lost interest in environmental issues.

Nader issued a dire warning about the state of the climate change issue, citing a number of issues, chief among them the resumption of coal use in many nations.

Victorial reports of opinion survey warning: worldwide worry from climate change effects declines

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