Biden announces his intention to run for a new presidential term in 2024

Biden announces his intention to run for a new presidential term in 2024

Despite making it apparent that he had not yet made a final decision, US President Joe Biden stated on Friday that he “planned” to seek for another term in office in 2024.
The Democratic President responded to a question on the MNC channel regarding this matter by saying, “I have not formally made the decision yet, but I intend to run again and we have time to make this decision.

“My wife thinks that we are doing something really important and that I should not give up on him,” he said when asked if his wife, Jill Biden, supports his decision to run for president again.
On November 20, Biden, the biggest president in American history, turns 80. If he runs for office and wins, he will be in the 82nd both at the start of his second term and at its conclusion, which is a very touchy subject in his democratic camp.

The midterm election test, which will be held on November 8 and is often challenging for any president in the position, is now being prepared for by Biden and his party.
Due to the improvement in the economy, Biden anticipated a move in favour of the Democrats at the conclusion of the renewal election campaign.
Less than three weeks ago, on the date of eligibility, he told reporters at the White House: “There was a lot of movement, as they (the Republicans) advanced, and we advanced, and so on.

“Opinion polls have fluctuated greatly,” he continued. I anticipate that recent days will bring about yet another change in our favour. This comes as recent surveys indicated that Republicans are making progress.
Due to the possibility of depriving the Democrats, primarily in Congress, the midterm elections will be significant.
However, Joe Biden said that the people had started to hear “positive news in the economy,” which is seen as a weakness given the rising inflation.

The US President announced on Friday the “biggest reduction ever in the federal budget deficit,” as well as the gradual decline in fuel costs after a steep surge and the decline in jobless rates in most of the nation.
He also emphasised that the Republicans wanted to “double” the tax breaks for the wealthiest while eliminating the minimum tax rate on large corporations.

Referring to similar actions made by the previous president Donald Trump, he continued, “This type of approach has failed in the past and will fail again.”

Biden declares his desire to seek re-election as president in 2024

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