Ukraine calls for an international monitoring mission to Jeuceon

Ukraine calls for an international monitoring mission to Jeuceon

After accusing Moscow of booby-trapping the dam, Ukraine urged on Friday that an international monitoring mission be deployed to the Kakhovka Dam in the Jeresson (south) area seized by Russian forces.
“We request that the European Union, the United Nations, and other organizations establish a global observation expedition to Kakhovka.

In addition to Ukrainian staff, international experts must arrive at the scene almost away, according to Ukrainian Prime Minister Dennis Shammal.
He emphasized that there could be a dam at the electricity-generating plant, which “may leave thousands of victims and cause tens of villages.”
On Thursday night, Ukrainian President Folodimir Zellinski claimed that the Russians had placed explosives in a dam to hinder the soldiers in Moscow.

The northern Crimea waterway will simply vanish if the dam is destroyed, the Ukrainian president said, and that will be a “large-scale catastrophe.”
The European Union was informed on Thursday that “more than 80 towns, including Jiusson, are involved in the swift flood.”
The Russian occupation authorities in Jiusson, on the other hand, refuted any booby-trapping of the dam and denounced Zilinski’s “lies.”

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