Lebanon: We did not make concessions in the marine border demarcation file with Israel

Lebanon: We did not make concessions in the marine border demarcation file with Israel

News from Al-Madinah: The Lebanese presidency confirmed, on Friday, that Beirut did not make during the negotiations of the demarcation of the maritime border with Israel, “any concessions and have not been subjected to any bargaining, bodies, deals, or external countries.

“What was accomplished in terms of demarcating the South Naval Borders is the result of a Lebanese decision that reflects the unanimity of the national position, and the outcome of hard and difficult negotiations led by the Lebanese team negotiating with the American mediator, the Presidency of the Republic said in a statement released by its media office.

“According to her, “all analyses and articles that advocate the opposite are purely slander and do not correspond to reality, and it is disgraceful to be produced by parties that are supposed to stand by its state and authorities in it.”
The president emphasized this “Demarcation is a national achievement for the benefit of the nation’s boys, not for the benefit of any one individual, party, or outside state.

“The presidency of the republic wishes that this prestigious approach would stop insulting the dignity and sovereignty of the nation,” the statement added. A sound national decision that has no partners led to the delineation.

” Earlier on Friday, President Michel Aoun looked at the Minister of Energy and Water, Walid Fayyad, of his ministry’s arrangements for the post -demarcation of the South Naval border, especially those related to the mechanism of oil and gas exploration in the Lebanese -Bahraini oil and gas fields.
Israeli Prime Minister Yair Labid referred to the accord as “historic” when Aoun announced Lebanon’s approval of the agreement to demarcate the maritime border with Israel on October 13.

On the border demarcation in the 860 square kilometre region of the Mediterranean Sea that is rich in oil and natural gas, the two nations engaged in indirect negotiations that were prolonged by American mediation.

In the dispute over Israel’s maritime border demarcation, Lebanon did not make any concessions.

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