He may be re -tried .. He moved from the Egyptian media murderer Shaima Jamal after his death sentence!

He may be re -tried .. He moved from the Egyptian media murderer Shaima Jamal after his death sentence!

There has been a recent development in the case of Shaima Jamal, an Egyptian journalist who was murdered by her husband, Judge Ayman Hajjaj.
Egyptian media quoted a source that the lawyer of the murderer of the presenter Shaima Jamal, Judge Ayman Hajjaj, had been stabbed by the ruling issued by the Giza Criminal Court, against him to death by hanging, in accusing him and his partner Hussein Al -Gharably of intentionally killing the Egyptian media with premeditation.

The source was cited by the “Cairo 24” website as saying that the attorney had filed an appeal of the judgment against his client with the Court of Cassation in recent hours. The court is due to consider the appeal and make the appropriate decision, whether to accept it and order a new trial or to reject it and keep the judgment in place.

It is noteworthy that the Egyptian Giza Criminal Court issued a final death sentence last month to hang against the judge and his partner in the crime, after taking the opinion of the Mufti of the country.
Investigations revealed that the victim’s spouse chose to divorce her after threatening to reveal their secrets and demanding cash in exchange for her silence.

He demanded payment from the second defendant (Hussein Al-Gharably, who assisted in her murder).
The two came up with a plan after that, agreeing to hire a rural farm, murder it, and bury the body there. The body was burned after they committed the crime to obscure its features before burial.
It is interesting that this crime shook Egyptian society after the victim vanished for several days in June of last year before the facts came to light.

He might be tried again. He moved from the Egyptian media murderer Shaima Jamal after his death sentence!

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