UNRWA: Despair is increasing, especially among young people throughout the Middle East

UNRWA: Despair is increasing, especially among young people throughout the Middle East

News from Al-Madinah: Philip Lazarini, the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), stated that there is a growing sense of despair throughout the Middle East, particularly among young people. They struggle with poverty, unemployment, and a lack of horizon.

Some people take great risks to achieve dignity. Despite the ongoing financial crisis and the extremely challenging environment in which the organisation operates, UNRWA continues to offer support and services.
According to a statement released by the agency on Thursday, Lazarini thanked Germany for its steadfast support of UNRWA’s efforts in the areas of education, health, and social services. He had just returned from a three-day visit to Berlin.

Lazarini met with important members of Parliament as well as key officials from the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation, Development, and Consultant. Along with other prominent politicians, government officials, and experts, he also took part in the Corber Foundation’s Berlin Foreign Policy Forum to discuss the difficulties facing Germany and Europe’s foreign policy, as well as how those difficulties would affect UNRWA’s work in its five operational areas.

UNRWA was able to offer Palestinian refugees in Germany essential assistance. Poverty. As more Palestinian refugees are registered and their living conditions become more precarious, UNRWA is experiencing a “growing demand” for its services. UNRWA programming, which supports the delivery of primary services, has a significant deficiency.

UNRWA: In the Middle East, especially among young people, despair is rising.

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