China calls on the international community to consolidate peace and promoting development in Central Africa

China calls on the international community to consolidate peace and promoting development in Central Africa

The Central African Republic’s overall political and security situation is improving, and the peace process is progressing, but there are still many obstacles to overcome, according to Qang Shuang, China’s permanent representative to the UN. As a result, the international community should broaden the scope of its support for peace consolidation and development efforts.

According to the Chinese News Agency, he urged the Security Council to take the necessary steps to build on the progress made in the Central African Republic’s peace process. He stated that the international community must respect Central Africa’s sovereignty and ownership and encourage its people to independently choose a development path that is appropriate for their circumstances.

The facts have shown that security threats can only be dealt with by developing a strong, efficient, and specialised security sector, he noted, noting that in recent years, with the government’s deployment of the security forces, the security situation throughout the country witnessed a continuous improvement and the activities of armed groups continued to shrink.

To help the Central African Republic achieve self-sustainable development, turn its wealth from resources into developmental benefits, and break the cycle of chaos brought on by poverty and slipping back due to riots, he continued, the international community should increase its investment in the country’s development. As a result of the financial challenges, the scarcity of food and energy, the dangerous economic and living conditions, and the need for humanitarian relief by 60% of the population, the international community’s support for the country cannot be eased.


China requests that the international community support development and peace-keeping efforts in Central Africa.

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