The head of the Association of Blood pressure is advised to avoid processed meat and industrial ghee

The head of the Association of Blood pressure is advised to avoid processed meat and industrial ghee

According to Dr. Mohsen Ibrahim, President of the Egyptian Society for High Blood Pressure and Professor of Cardiology at Qasr Al-Aini Medicine, high blood pressure affects around a quarter of Egyptians. Fortunately, we have precise statistics concerning the scope of the issue at the national level.

He continued, “We are setting up a national programme to avoid high blood pressure and this sickness since it has been established that this condition can be prevented and prevented in several nations.”

He continued, “There are two main factors, the first is genetic predisposition, and the second is the wrong living method, like consuming lots of sugars and salt, in addition to constant stress and inactivity.” He implied that eating vegetable ghee and hydrogenated oils is one of the primary causes of fats. The Egyptians should stay away from processed meat, red meat should be rejuvenated to lower blood pressure, and salads and fruits should be consumed. These foods are bad for cholesterol and heart disease.

This occurred at an International Preventive Cardiac Association symposium in Cairo.

Avoiding processed beef and commercial ghee is advised to the Association of Blood pressure’s head.

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