BBC prepares secret radio scripts in case of winter blackouts

BBC prepares secret radio scripts in case of winter blackouts

The BBC reportedly has “secret scripts” that may be read on the air in the event of widespread blackouts during the British winter, according to a recent article from The Guardian.
As the Ukraine conflict rages on, there are worries that Russia may cut off all gas supply to Europe this winter.
The scripts, allegedly in The Guardian’s possession, describe how the national broadcaster would comfort the public in the event of a blackout.

A blackout, according to one of the documents, could last up to two days and place “severe pressure” on medical and police services.
“Power restoration is anticipated to happen within the next 36 to 48 hours, according to the authorities. Before then, sporadic supplies will begin to reach various sections of Britain “Apparently, a portion of a paper states.
The Guardian says the BBC plans for “hypothetical situations” and the scripts are thought to be part of this planning.

Recently, UK ministers informed the public that as winter approaches, blackouts shouldn’t be a problem.
The National Grid has, however, reportedly issued a power warning for the winter, according to The Guardian.
Stating in a worst case scenario power could be out for up to three days should Russia turn off the gas taps altogether..

In case of winter outages, the BBC has hidden radio scripts ready.

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