Iran’s uprising: the continued strike of the refineries workers and a protest gathering for the workers of the “Hatef Tabah” company for sugar cane

Iran’s uprising: the continued strike of the refineries workers and a protest gathering for the workers of the “Hatef Tabah” company for sugar cane

Today, Tuesday, October 18, the employees of the “Heft Tabah” company gathered a protest meeting in solidarity with the Iranian uprising against the Iranian dictatorship as the strike and assembly of workers in petroleum refineries continued.
In response to the pre-announced call, some employees of the Iranian “Heft Tabah” company planned a rally next to the business in support of the revolt of the people against the regime.

The actions taken to sow ethnic discord and disrupt the company’s workers’ gathering were revealed on Monday by the independent channel of “Heft Tabah” workers on “Telegram.”
According to this “Telegram” channel, in a meeting held by the intervention of Abd Ali Nasseri, CEO of the company, it was said that the workers should be prevented on Tuesday in any way.

Additionally, according to the reports, there is an ongoing strike by contract workers at the refineries in Mahashahr, Honey, Bandar Abbas, and Abadan.
The employees of “Kayan Tair” have been on strike since Monday, October, in protest of the non-payment of insurance premiums and the failure to provide health insurance notebooks.
The workers in oil industry projects began their general strike on October 10.

The first strike in the oil and petrochemical sector was started by project workers for petrochemical (Site 1) in Hungham and Bushneh.
On the same day, the Organizing Council for Oil Contracts Protests announced, in a statement, the start of the strike and protest of these workers and wrote: “These protests have come out in response to previous invitations during the past two days and in support of the vast popular protests.

The message called for widespread protests and “preparing for nationwide and severe strikes” among oil industry employees working in other sectors, such as contractors and officials.
After that, the workers of the second stage of the Abadan refinery, the honeymoon, and the Kenghan Petrochemical Refinery joined the strikes.

With the widespread deployment of photos and reports of these strikes, the Hef Tabah Workers Syndicate announced sugar cane in a statement, its support for the strike of oil and petrochemical workers.
The protest regulatory committee for oil contracts had previously warned that if the Iranian regime did not stop the country’s lethal suppression of the revolt, these workers would go on strike.

Following this warning, a few government employees working in the oil sector sent the regime a letter stating the following: “We warn that if the repression continues, if not all the detainees are released, and if the security climate in the workplace, cities, and streets does not end, we will stop working and this time we will gather with protesting citizens.

“With a month having passed since the start of the Iranian people’s uprising and the ongoing demonstrations in the streets, many business owners and vendors, particularly in the Kurdish cities, have recently closed their establishments.

Refinery workers’ ongoing strike and a demonstration for the employees of the sugar cane plant “Hatef Tabah” are two examples of Iran’s rebellion.

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