“Loyalty to Moscow Umm Kyiv” … a deadline ends on Thursday in front of the workers of the Zaburigia nuclear station

“Loyalty to Moscow Umm Kyiv” … a deadline ends on Thursday in front of the workers of the Zaburigia nuclear station

In order to choose a side that backed the fight that has lasted for eight months, the Russian forces that control the Zaburigia nuclear plant in southern Ukraine handed Ukrainian technicians working in the biggest nuclear station in Europe until Thursday.

According to station staff, Ukrainian officials, some diplomats at the Atomic Agency for Nuclear Energy, and senior Rosatom officials, the Ukrainian employees who registered their names as Rosatom employees will remain their positions and may be given Russian passports.

Last Wednesday, Rosatom representatives summoned the management of the factory and distributed forms to join the Russian company; when Russian representatives asked if there were any questions, the Ukrainians stood silently and left the meeting room, according to the factory employee and Ukrainian representatives.
“They won’t have a source of income to feed their families and their children if they don’t sign the statement.

If they succumb, Kyiv will view them as traitors and Russian collaborators.
Ukrainian officials reported that there may be concessions to workers who sign Russian contracts, because they are necessary to prevent an accident, indicating that they will not necessarily be classified as cooperating with Moscow.

Rafael Grossi, the Director General of the Vienna-based United Nations Atomic Energy Control Authority, concurred in a statement, saying that “the immense pressure they endure must stop” as the plant workers are forced to make a very tough choice for themselves and their loved ones.
Under the Ukrainian law, joining the Russian “Russian” can make collaborative technicians be subject to arrest, trial and imprisonment.

It is significant that the situation at the vast nuclear plant has drawn attention from around the world recently, particularly in light of the bombing exchange between Russian and Ukrainian forces.
In order to prevent any unthinkable nuclear tragedy, the International Atomic Energy Agency has repeatedly emphasised how critical the situation is and called for the creation of a “security area.”

The greatest nuclear energy facility in all of Europe, the station has been under Russian control since early March (2022), although Moscow and Kayef have traded claims of bombing it for months.

This complex is a significant source of energy for Ukraine since it secures a sizable tank on the Denbero River, which divides the armies of Russia and Ukraine, and provides more than 20% of the nation’s electrical requirements.

The deadline for “Loyalty to Moscow Umm Kyiv” in front of the Zaburigia nuclear plant employees expires on Thursday.

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