Spain and Portugal are looking to enhance joint police cooperation across the border

Spain and Portugal are looking to enhance joint police cooperation across the border

Fernando Grande E. Marlaska, the interior minister of Spain, met with Jose Luis Carenero, the interior minister of Portugal, during their meeting on Monday. Carenero praised Marlaska for the excellent job he has done in fostering cross-border police cooperation between the two nations and emphasised the need to strengthen the mechanisms of that cooperation.

According to the ministers to the media after their meeting today, this cooperation is the joint coordination between the police services through intensive investigations and other cross-border projects. They also agreed on the need to strengthen the mechanisms of cooperation through five joint institutions between the two countries, which include the police and customs sectors.

Elena Garethon, director general of international relations and immigration, and Ricardo Carrelo, deputy secretary general of international relations and European Funds Administration, Portugal, attended the meeting from the Spanish side.

While the Spanish Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande E Marlaska, explained that these centres were established within the framework of “vital” coordination with the state forces and security services in the European Union, to ensure freedom Mobility within the Shansjin area, Carnero emphasised the significance of the five centres for “the strategic, regional, and cross-border development”.

The goal of Spain and Portugal is to improve cross-border police collaboration.

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