Sana’a .. Houthi gunman kills a young man who was preparing for his wedding

Sana’a .. Houthi gunman kills a young man who was preparing for his wedding

A helpless young man was assassinated in Sanaa, the nation’s capital, by Houthi militants from Saada Governorate, the militia’s major stronghold in the country’s far north. The awful act provoked widespread outrage and condemnation among Sanaa’s social circles.

According to the Yemeni news agency on December 2, the young Ayman Muhammad al-Alafi (20 years old) was shot and killed by a Houthi gunman named Abdul Karim Al-Maraani near Sheraton Street in the heart of the capital, Sanaa.
According to the sources, the young man who is getting ready for his wedding was riding a motorcycle on Sunday night when the driver got into a fight with a Houthi militant who was driving his automobile in a dangerous way through the street.

The child Ayman was killed and the motorcycle’s owner was injured, she said, adding that the al-Maraani pulled out his gun and opened fire.
The Houthi commanders are the Mara’ani perpetrators, according to media reports. He is charged with prior crimes, was recently released from prison, and is being covered up by the militia leaders.

As a result of Houthi militia control, which offers protection to those who commit murder and other violent crimes on its behalf, security conditions in the capital city of Sanaa have deteriorated dramatically.

A Houthi gunman kills a young man in Sana’a as he was getting ready for his wedding.

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