World News Nuclear waste in an American school .. Euro Winzal strike … the penetration of an Israeli plane … the next Arab summit

World News Nuclear waste in an American school .. Euro Winzal strike … the penetration of an Israeli plane … the next Arab summit

The “Al-Ahram Gate” provides the most crucial news of the day, including: radioactive waste in an American school; the Euro Winjal strike; the penetration of an Israeli march plane for the Lebanese airspace; the next Arab summit in Algeria; and more.

A school in the US contained nuclear waste.
A major radiological pollution was revealed in an elementary school in the outskirts of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA; Where nuclear weapons were produced during World War II, according to a new report issued by environmental investigation consultants.

The German airline “Euro Wings” is anticipated to cancel nearly half of her flights tomorrow as a result of the pilots’ strike.
Due to the second strike that the company’s pilots have called in recent weeks, it is anticipated that many flights operated by the German airline “Euro Wings” Airways will be cancelled starting tomorrow and continuing until next Wednesday.

The Lebanese army reports that an Israeli march jet has entered Lebanon’s airspace.
The Lebanese army announced that an Israeli departure plane belonging to Israel penetrated the Lebanese airspace yesterday evening in the Nabatiyeh governorate in southern Lebanon.

Jordan: The upcoming Arab summit in Algeria is a good opportunity to reinforce Arab unity in action.
The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of Jordanian Expatriate Affairs Ayman Al-Safadi, who began a working visit to Algeria yesterday evening and spoke with his counterpart Ramtan Lamamra about the development of bilateral cooperation, Arab issues, and summit preparations, was received by the President of Algeria, Abdel-Majid Taboun, on Sunday, according to the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Global News Nuclear waste in an American school .. Euro Winzal strike … the penetration of an Israeli plane … the next Arab summit

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