Mustafa Mohamed registered in the Nantes Quad in front of the Prest Stadium and jumps to the 14th place

Mustafa Mohamed registered in the Nantes Quad in front of the Prest Stadium and jumps to the 14th place

In the eleventh round of the French Football League, the French striker Mustafa Mohamed Mohamed led his club to a quarterfinal victory over Brest Stadium.
Nantes’s balance of point 10 ranked 14th in the French league table, while the Brest Stadium balance was frozen at point 6, ranking last.

Nawah Fadija scored the game’s first goal in the 18th minute, and Nantes missed a penalty in the 10th. Mossis Simon then tied the score with a penalty in the 35th minute, and Jannatius Gangjo made things stronger for Nantes in the 36th minute. Finally, Mustafa Mohamed added the game’s third goal in the 70th minute, and Musa Cisoko scored in the 88th minute.

After competing against Nigerian Moses Simon, Spanish Pedro Cheervilla, and French Dennis Abyeh, the Nante striker Mustafa Mohamed of Egypt won the prize for best player in September. This is the first trophy to reach anaconda status in the French league.

Mustafa Mohamed signed up for the Nantes Quad outside the Prest Stadium and moves up to position 14.

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