Artificial intelligence “repeats” Steve Jobs to life … and is interviewing

Artificial intelligence “repeats” Steve Jobs to life … and is interviewing

The late Steve Jobs, co-founder of the enormous “Apple,” appeared to come back to life after passing away thanks to artificial intelligence technology.
According to Sky News Arabia, this was revealed in a phoney interview in which J participated. The interviewer’s voice was also fabricated, and he is the creator of the well-known voice podcast, Joe Rogan.
Jobs, the creator of the iPhone, died on October 5, 2011, at the age of 56, after a struggle with a rare type of pancreatic cancer.

According to the British daily “Sun,” an audio synthesis business has duplicated the two men’s sentences so that it appears as though they are actually speaking to one another.
Being a part of the Rogan-hosted show is wonderful.
Your audience is considerably different from regular Apple users, and this is a nice and kind thing, he continued.
The two discussed a set of topics, including the company “Apple”, the spirituality and the family.

Even though the voices of the two genuine people were remarkably similar, they occasionally sounded synthetic.
Large amounts of audio content are used by artificial intelligence technologies to create fresh sounds.
This was easy in the case of Rogan, who had hundreds of hours of podcast, but the situation was different with Jobs, as his voice was limited to press interviews and launch parties for Apple, which is limited in any case.
The business, “Play.

According to “ht,” the company that created the audio clip, the artificial intelligence programme was trained on his memoirs and all of the audio files he had access to online in order for it to “restore his voice to life.”
The corporation continued by saying that it thinks artificial intelligence, but human leadership, can create all types of content.
She stressed that a person’s capacity to create the necessary machine content will determine their potential to produce the most creative work.

Steve Jobs is brought to life by artificial intelligence, and he is being interviewed.

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