Despite Corona’s decline … a medical study reveals a “unpleasant” surprise

Despite Corona’s decline … a medical study reveals a “unpleasant” surprise

A significant portion of persons infected with the virus continue to have “Kovid 19” sickness symptoms over an extended period of time, according to a Scottish study. This illness initially arose in China in late 2019.
According to the study, the earlier infection of the Corona virus is to blame for the exhaustion, weak breathing, blurring of the brain, and itchy skin that millions of individuals throughout the world experience.

Scientists are trying desperately to keep track of what the “Kofid 19” is doing to the body over time, but they are still unable to comprehend it fully.
The Scottish study sought to shed light on the long-term nature and progression of “Kovid” symptoms as well as how they impact the human body.

The researchers used information from more than 33,000 people who had Corona and had been medically diagnosed as being ill, as well as more than 62,000 people who had never ever heard of Corona.
The study’s author, Gil Bell of the University of Glasgow, and her coworkers discovered that while just 42% of Corona victims fully healed, 6% of those who were hurt did not.

This study supports earlier medical evidence that a significant proportion of people with “Kovid 19” experience chronic symptoms.
The elderly, those from low socioeconomic backgrounds, women, and those who were admitted to the hospital due to Corona are more prone to “Coveyd,” according to the researchers.
An earlier study from the Netherlands that was released in August of last year revealed that one of the eight Corona patients had long-lasting symptoms.

According to the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 5 individuals had Corona and experienced one of the long-term symptoms.

A medical investigation finds a “unpleasant” surprise despite Corona’s decrease.

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