Ahmed Aboul Gheit welcomes the announcement of Algeria to end the Palestinian division

Ahmed Aboul Gheit welcomes the announcement of Algeria to end the Palestinian division

The signing of the “Algeria Declaration” by the Palestinian factions who met under Algeria’s auspices was hailed by Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, as a significant step toward the Palestinian reconciliation that all Arabs seek to achieve. He also praised Algeria for its part in this positive accomplishment.

The Secretary-official General’s spokesman, Jamal Rushdie, stated that the test now is in the application and implementation of what has been agreed upon, noting that the division that has persisted for 15 years has weakened the issue and that ending the division is the only and primary way to restore the solidity of the Palestinian position regarding the difficulties the Palestinian issue is facing. Great.

The spokesman affirmed that this occasion requires recalling all Arab efforts to end the Palestinian division from its beginning, especially by Egypt, which made sincere and continuous efforts to contain Palestinian differences and pave the way for reconciliation.
He continued by urging all Palestinians, whatever of their political affiliations, to put an end to this damaging polarisation and work diligently to put the new document into practise.

Ahmed Aboul Gheit applauds Algeria’s declaration that it will end the Palestinian split.

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