Pakistan estimates the cost of the damage caused by the floods at more than $ 16 billion

Pakistan estimates the cost of the damage caused by the floods at more than $ 16 billion

Isaac Dar, the finance minister of Pakistan, promised to implement economic reforms to foreign lenders despite recent predictions that his nation will urgently require more than 16 billion dollars to recover from the devastating floods.
The minister expressed his hope that Pakistan will assist in getting its immediate and long-term demands at the post-flooding donors conference, which French President Emmanuel Macron promised would take place next month.

The International Monetary Fund granted Pakistan $1 billion in late August as part of a total of $6 billion that was agreed upon in 2019 after the Shahbaz Sharif-led administration made progress in the area of reforms.
“We will seek to complete the (reformist) program successfully, even if this is done at the expense of making more efforts,” said Dar France Press in an interview in Washington on Friday evening.

In addition, he said that doing so “sends a positive message to the international community and the markets,” and he thanked Pakistan for its “extremely responsive” promises from other nations.

Pakistan estimates that the damage from the floods will cost more than $ 16 billion to repair.

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