Show the masterpieces

Show the masterpieces

In what is anticipated to be the largest auction in history, masterpieces by some of the most well-known painters in the art world have been displayed. Christie’s auction boards are predicted to bring in a record amount of one billion dollars (900 million pounds) when selling in New York City next month.

While Paul Allen, a co-founder of Microsoft, was frequently lent to his treasures and owned the business, some art critics worry that the auction may result in burying paintings from view for decades.
Lucien Freud and Francis Pakon, Paul Cezanne and David Hawkni are shown in the group that is sold at Christie’s auction.

150 public works will be on display in Christie’s locations throughout the world in the upcoming weeks, according to the BBC website, before going up for auction in New York on November 9 and 10.
This week, 14 paintings will be on display in London, with more exhibitions planned for Paris, Los Angeles, and Shanghai.
The Paul Allen collection includes numerous paintings that are regarded as masterpieces by painters, in contrast to some of the well-known auctions’ works, which frequently appear at auctions.

An auction “comes once in a lifetime,” according to Max Carter, head of Christie’s Impressionist and Modern Art Department.
“I don’t think we have anything like this with regard to the artistic masterpiece group over 500 years if you look at the business in the group, then each of these paintings will be a five -year -old difference if they will be put on the market alone “..

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