Patelli arrives in Tripoli .. and confirms: I will communicate with all parties

Patelli arrives in Tripoli .. and confirms: I will communicate with all parties

News from Al-Madinah: Abdullah Patelli, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the commander of the Libyan International Support Organization Mission, arrived in Tripoli on Friday to begin his formal duties.

In a statement posted by the mission on its official website, Patelli said, “I will take the leadership of the United Nations for the United Nations and make mediation efforts to reach a peaceful and sustainable solution that he leads and has the Libyan reins, and I will also supervise the work of the mission.

He continued, “I will first of all communicate with all Libyan parties throughout the nation, including civil society, women, and youth, to hear their opinions regarding the political, security, and economic conditions and learn about their visions for the future of their nation, in order to determine a cooperative path that leads to the organisation of comprehensive national elections as soon as possible.

The reinstatement of the electoral process, he added, “is sufficient to improve national unity and stability and rebuild the legitimacy of institutions in the country.”
It is significant that Antonio Guterres, the secretary-general of the United Nations, has officially nominated Abdullah Boutili, a diplomat from Senegal, as an envoy to the international body in Libya, where two administrations are vying for control.

This nomination was made some months after the unexpected resignation of Jan Kubesh, the Slovakian delegate, in November 2021. Because the Security Council, whose permission is required, rejected some of the names suggested by the Secretary-General, the position remained vacant.
It is significant that two governments, one based in Tripoli and commanded by Abdel Hamid Al-Dubba and the other in Sirte and contested for control in Libya since March 2022.

After unrest in 2020, the nation was slated to have presidential and legislative elections in December 2021, which would conclude the UN peace process.
These polls were, however, postponed until further notice because of disagreements between political rivals and field tensions, which included fresh armed clashes between rival militias in Tripoli.

When Patelli reaches Tripoli, she declares, “I will communicate with all sides.”

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