Myths on nutrition, most notably potatoes and bread, cause obesity

Myths on nutrition, most notably potatoes and bread, cause obesity

According to a video interview conducted by Deutsche Welle with nutrition expert Anya Schwengel for the DW website, many myths and beliefs about eating food and the extent of its impact on the body are untrue, despite their prevalence among the segments of society and its various spectra. As a result, we must rely on experts to shed light on the extent of their veracity and change some unhealthy behaviours associated with it.

When I inquired about some of these health myths, she responded, “It is falsely thought that spinach contains a significant amount of iron. Although it is partially accurate, drinking coffee is thought to produce a reduction in the amount of water in the body. When drinking the same amount of water and coffee, the diuresis increases by 3%.

In response to the question of whether eating only bread and potatoes would result in weight gain, she responded, “If one eats bread and potatoes only, this will not lead to weight gain, especially if they eat with them low-fat foods or salads, and despite the popularity of coconut oil and claims that it is extremely healthy and aids in weight loss.” It stated that the reason for people believe that it has a role in reducing weight because it contains fatty acids that the body cannot store, but there is no evidence of this yet, and that the eggs are not healthy because it contains cholesterol is absolutely incorrect, because it contains many nutrients, and the body The proper regulates the level of cholesterol himself.


Obesity is caused by dietary myths, especially those involving bread and potatoes.

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