The Supreme Council for Culture begins training courses for workers at the Ministry of Culture

The Supreme Council for Culture begins training courses for workers at the Ministry of Culture

Following approval from the Central Administration for Training in the Central Agency for Organization and Administration, the General Administration of Organization and Administration of the Affairs of the Office of the President of the Supreme Council of Culture started carrying out the first portion of the 2022–2023 plan.

The proposal seeks to train all employees in the Ministry of Culture’s departments over the course of 10 courses, including five courses on using artificial intelligence technology, two computer sessions (Word), two sessions (XL), and a crisis management course.

It is important to note that 200 trainees have begun the General Administration of Organization and Administration Courses in the first part of the 2022/2023 plan. The courses are held at the Egyptian Public Library and the Training Department’s Dakhi headquarters as well as in council halls. Each session lasts five days and 20 hours. At the conclusion of each course, students are given s.

As a result of the need to increase worker efficiency at the Ministry of Culture, it is well known that the Training Department of the General Administration of Organization and Administration is responsible for the awareness, education, and training of staff members across all ministry departments. This is done through the use of specialised trainers and at the highest level of efficiency.

beginning of training programmes for Ministry of Culture employees by the Supreme Council for Culture

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