Today’s memory .. The Battle of Mansoura Air and the departure of the Prince of Poets and Mahmoud Yassin

Today’s memory .. The Battle of Mansoura Air and the departure of the Prince of Poets and Mahmoud Yassin

Numerous significant occurrences that altered the course of history took place on October 14th. Numerous literary, political, and artistic luminaries were also born on this day, and they left us with literary, political, and artistic personalities. Because this date falls on an annual holiday, many of these events and personalities will be discussed in the report that follows.
Important occasions.
Pope Calistos I was assassinated in Rome by a mob in 222.

During the seven-year war, Russia defeats Austria in the “Battle of Hotelsk” in 1758.
The construction of London’s “Regent Channel” began in 1812.
Photographic tape is patented by American inventor George Eastman in 1884.
The Russian-Japanese conflict is put an end in 1907 with the signing of a treaty by Emperor Nicola II of the Russian Empire and Emperor Meiji of Japan.
Syria and Palestine are divided by borders drawn by the British government in 1937.

1938 – A two-year moratorium on Jewish immigration to Palestine is agreed upon by the British and the Arabs.
Erfin Rommel, the Nazi German general, killed himself in 1944 because he didn’t want to face the death penalty after his military trial in front of the public.

The 1953 Qubaite Massacre, which resulted in the deaths of 66 Palestinians, the wounding of their frailty, and the demolition of 45 homes, was carried out by “Division 101 of the Israeli Army” under the command of Ariel Sharon.
Nikita Khrushchev was ousted as Secretary-General of the Soviet Communist Party in 1964, and Leonid Brezhnev was chosen as his replacement.

The American pastor Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize.
1973 – The October War’s incidents included the Battle of Mansoura Air Force.
For the first time ever, Communist leader Mikhail Gorbachev received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990.
Queen Mary, the spouse of Charles VII, King of France, is born in 1404.
Dwit Eisenhower became the nation’s president in 1890.
1906 – Hassan Al -Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The American pastor Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize.
1973 – The October War’s incidents included the Battle of Mansoura Air Force.
For the first time ever, Communist leader Mikhail Gorbachev received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990.
Queen Mary, the spouse of Charles VII, King of France, is born in 1404.
Dwit Eisenhower became the nation’s president in 1890.
Hassan Al-Banna, the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder, was born in 1906.

The memories of today. The Battle of Mansoura Air, the Prince of Poets’ and Mahmoud Yassin’s departure, and

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