Nero takes the throne of the Roman Empire .. How did he take over?

Nero takes the throne of the Roman Empire .. How did he take over?

Today marks the anniversary of Emperor Nero ascending to the throne of the Roman Empire on October 13, 54 AD. He was the fifth and final emperor of the Yolicocalic dynasty, reigning “from August to Nero,” and he was able to do so because he was the adoptive son of the emperor.

And we see one of the controversial figures in human history, while he knew about the man killing his young brother in order to reach power, and killed his mother for the sake of power, as well as his famous crime by burning the ancient city of Rome.
Neron was born on December 15th, 37 AD, in Antium, Italy.

Nero was named when he was born by Lucius Domitius Ihnoparbus. His father, Jenus Domitius Ihnopparbus, a former Romanian adviser, died when Nero was three years old, while his mother, Agrebina Minor, Emperor Caligula refused her and had to leave Neron the young one at his aunt to take care of him.

After Cladius, who is thought to have been poisoned by breaking the fast, died in 54 AD, the newly adopted son married his half-sister Octavia and thus became the legitimate heir of Cladius, who preferred him to his biological son, Prettanikos, who died after the inauguration of Nero is an emperor. With the support of the imperial guard, he became Nero at the age of seventeen Emperor, and in the first two years of his rule

It seems that Neron’s relationship with his mother collapsed two years after he took office, as her pictures are no longer printed on the currencies after the year 55 AD and it seems that she had lost her influence in favor of the Nero’s senior advisers such as the philosopher Cinenica and the leader of the Imperial Guard Borus, who was advising him in military affairs.
The official records state that Nero ordered the execution of his mother in 59 AD because she was allegedly plotting his murder.

Neron was aware that this choice would have consequences in the future, regardless of the reasons, though. The mother is one of the most sacred symbols in the Roman family, therefore the crime perpetrated by Neron generated a condition of contempt and loathing in the Roman society.
Nero ordered the navy to flood the boat in which his mother was sailing and the imperial guard did not order this because he did not trust them to carry out the killing.

Because the mother was able to swim to the beach, the first effort was unsuccessful, and Nero ordered the forces to carry out the operation immediately. Nero makes an effort to feel better about himself and absolves himself of his wrongdoing by quitting his job and viewing it as a triumph. Senators expressed concern for Sinika’s safety and expressed their gratitude for killing his mother in a letter that Sinika himself sent to the Senate with a report on the crime.

Nero takes the throne of the Roman Empire .. How did he seize control?

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