Ukrainian official, what is going on in Zaporozhye is a nuclear terrorism.

Ukrainian official, what is going on in Zaporozhye is a nuclear terrorism.

Despite warnings about the hazards of Ukraine’s Zaporozhye nuclear facility, combat and gunfire between Russian and Ukrainian soldiers continues in its vicinity.
The mayor of the city where the facility is located has warned that the possibility of a tragedy at the Russian-controlled nuclear reactor is growing by the day.
What is happening there is simple nuclear terrorism, which might end abruptly at any time, according to the mayor of Energodar, where the station is located.

This follows Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s declaration on Saturday that his country will target Russian forces who shoot at or use the Zaporozhye nuclear power facility as a firing platform.
In a speech on Saturday evening, Zelensky stressed that any Russian soldier who fires at the station or uses it as a cover must understand that he becomes a specific target for our intelligence agents, special services, and army.

He accused Russia of exploiting the plant to threaten the country with nuclear weapons.
Meanwhile, Russia’s envoy to international organisations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, submitted on Saturday a suggestion from local leaders in Ukraine’s Zaporozhye to close the nuclear facility in order to avert a nuclear disaster.
Ulyanov remarked on Twitter that this is in retaliation to the continued bombardment of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant by Ukrainian military troops.

It is worth remembering that Kyiv has frequently accused Russian forces, who took control of the station in March, of storing heavy weaponry and using it as a cover for attacks.
While Moscow has alleged that Ukrainian forces are striking the plant, the condition of accusation exchange has persisted from the beginning of Russia’s military action.
Despite the fact that Russian military oversee the station, it is operated by Ukrainian specialists.

According to a Ukrainian official, what is happening in Zaporozhye is nuclear terrorism.

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