Not with meat alone, a person lives … vegetable meat that invades the markets of Europe

Not with meat alone, a person lives … vegetable meat that invades the markets of Europe

According to a survey, more than half of European consumers cut back on traditional animal meat intake over the previous five years and turned to vegetarian meat as a replacement.
According to Sky News Arabia, the survey surveyed 4,000 consumers in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain.

The survey states that the consumption of vegetable meat has increased significantly, as 25% of the French, 40% of the Germans and 50% of the Italians and the Spanish said that they eat vegetable meat once a month.
Consumers cited the high costs of animal meat as well as its detrimental effects on human health and the environment as reasons for their opposition to it.

They stated that they wanted to offer alternatives to traditional meat, particularly meat grown in labs. Meat grown in labs is produced by extracting cells from live animals, planting them, and allowing them to grow for a period of time.

Mansour Al-Dalqamouni, a recognised authority on food security, was quoted by Sky News as saying: “Laboratory meat contains fewer germs and is free of hormones that are injected into animals, poultry, and fish to hasten the ripening process.”

One cannot subsist solely on meat, as vegetarian meat has invaded European markets.

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