Ex-Texas cop bailed after shooting teen eating hamburger

Ex-Texas cop bailed after shooting teen eating hamburger

After being charged in the killing of a teen while the boy was eating a hamburger in a car, a fired San Antonio police officer posted bond and was allowed to leave jail.
After turning himself in yesterday, James Brennand posted US$200,000 (NZ$356,000) in bonds to defend himself against two counts of aggravated assault by a public officer in the shooting death of Erik Cantu, 17, on October 2. According to Cantu’s family, Cantu is still on life support. He did not have a lawyer at the time of his release, according to records from the jail.

The vehicle Cantu was in eluded a rookie policeman named Brennand, who was 27 years old, the night before during an attempted traffic check. Brennand claimed he thought the car had been stolen.
Brennand unlocks the car door and motions for Cantu to exit in the body camera footage that the police have made public. The officer opens fire into the vehicle multiple times as the automobile is moving backward with the door open. He continues to shoot as the car drives away.

A passenger in the car led to the two counts of assault against Brennand. The passenger wasn’t hurt at all.
Brennand was fired after investigators concluded that using deadly force was not necessary. Aggravated assault and resisting arrest allegations against Cantu were dropped. Even though the car Cantu was driving had registration plates that did not match, the car itself was not stolen, according to police department spokesman Officer Ricardo Guzman.

Today, Cantu’s health remained critical and he was hospitalised.
“Erik is still receiving life support and is not awake, but his oxygen levels are getting better. We are waiting patiently and are hopeful that our health will improve “the family stated in a statement released through Brian Powers, an attorney.
Please remember Erik in your prayers and thoughts as well.

After shooting a juvenile eating a cheeseburger, an ex-Texas officer took a break.

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