The end of the Facebook crisis .. The number of followers has started to return to normal

The end of the Facebook crisis .. The number of followers has started to return to normal

Millions of Facebook accounts worldwide, including the one of Mark Zuckerberg, the site’s founder, and other well-known celebrities, in addition to media organisations that noticed their followings declining for no apparent reason, were affected by the problem of the mysterious shortage of followers that began on October 3.

More over 119 million of Mark Zuckerberg’s followers vanished from his account, with only 9997 remaining. Many media covered the event, including “The New York Times,” “Washington Post,” “Huffington Post,” and “US IT.”
On Monday, The New York Times lost 6225 followers, and on Tuesday, it dropped 4944. The New York Post lost 8,200 followers before losing another 4378 the next day, and similarly, the Washington Post dropped 5804 before losing another 4337 on Tuesday.

Mita admitted to the problem, a spokesman for the company, in a statement today, Wednesday, “We know that some people see the number of unseen followers in their personal files on Facebook. We regret for any disruption and are trying to quickly get things back to normal “.

The end of the Facebook crisis .. The number of followers has begun to stabilise.

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