A draft of the maritime border demarcation agreement between Lebanon and Israel: The agreement is a “permanent and fair solution” for the marine conflict

A draft of the maritime border demarcation agreement between Lebanon and Israel: The agreement is a “permanent and fair solution” for the marine conflict

According to Reuters, the text of the agreement between Israel and Lebanon delineating their maritime borders states that it is a “permanent and just solution” to the maritime issue.
Today, Wednesday, Reuters reported that Israel and Lebanon will simultaneously publish a list of geographic coordinates pertaining to the demarcation of the two sides’ maritime borders.

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid announced today, Tuesday, that Israel and Lebanon reached a “historic” agreement on the demarcation of the maritime borders between the two sides, according to Sky News Arabia.
According to Sky News Arabia, the Lebanese presidency found the final version of the maritime border demarcation agreement to be “acceptable.”

Elias Bou Saab, vice-president of the House of Representatives, reaffirmed that there is no gas or wealth exchange between Lebanon and Israel in connection to the Qana and Beirut field; Israel would retain all of its rights.
According to the Vice-President of the House of Representatives, Lebanese political conversations have been taking place regarding how to react to the most recent formula for defining Israel’s maritime borders.

According to media reports, the president of the Israeli National Security Council said today, Tuesday, that Israel will soon reach a historic agreement on the maritime borders with Lebanon.

In another instance, the Security Council members expressed their strong support for Lebanon’s stability, security, territorial integrity, sovereignty, and political independence in a statement calling on the Lebanese government to “implement known, necessary, and tangible reforms quickly and transparently,” in accordance with the Security Council resolutions and the President’s Security Council resolutions regarding the situation in Lebanon.

They emphasised that “these reforms are important to addressing the legitimate needs and aspirations of the Lebanese people with regard to the critical security, economic, social, and humanitarian difficulties the country is currently confronting.

The members emphasised the need to “conduct a quick, independent, fair, comprehensive, and transparent investigation in the two explosions that shook Beirut on August 4, 2020,” pointing out “the importance of holding free, fair, and comprehensive elections in 2022 transparently and according to the planned schedule, in a manner that guarantees the full, equal, and targeted participation of women as a candidate and a vice.

A draught of the deal between Israel and Lebanon to demarcate their maritime borders: The deal resolves the marine conflict in a “permanent and equitable manner.”

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