Putin accuses Ukraine of carrying out a “terrorist act” on the Crimean bridge

Putin accuses Ukraine of carrying out a “terrorist act” on the Crimean bridge

Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, has accused the SBU of carrying out a “terrorist attack” on the main bridge connecting Russia and Crimea, which was destroyed in an explosion.
In a meeting with Alexander Bastrykin, chairman of the Russian Investigative Committee, Putin remarked, “As I just mentioned, there is no doubt that this is a terrorist attack aimed at destroying the civilian infrastructure of fundamental importance to the Russian Federation.”

This was corroborated by Bastrykin, who also stated that “people of Russia and other foreign countries assisted the Ukrainian secret services in preparing for the attack.
Are the Ukrainian special services’ planners, implementers, and agents?, Putin questioned. According to RT, Bastrykin responded: “Ukrainian special services and people of Russia and other nations assisted in the planning and execution of this terrorist attack.”

The Russian Federal Security Service has identified the terrorist attack’s masterminds, according to Bastrykin’s addition.

According to Putin, Ukraine committed a “terrorist act” on the Crimean bridge.

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