Spanish police arrest 3 people for vandalizing synagogues and cemeteries

Spanish police arrest 3 people for vandalizing synagogues and cemeteries

Three alleged neo-Nazis were detained by Spanish police on Saturday for allegedly desecrating a number of cemeteries and synagogues, among other offences.
Two men and a woman, between the ages of 36 and 42, were charged with at least seven extreme hate crimes in Madrid and the city of Burgos, which is located north of the capital, according to the Spanish newspaper El Pas and other local media, which cited the Spanish police.

Neo-Nazi and neo-fascist graffiti, a public burning of the Israeli flag, and vandalism of the Jewish sections of the La Almudena and Hoyo de Manzanares cemeteries in Madrid are all allegedly the work of men and women.
According to the Spanish daily El Pais, the three suspects were part of xenophobic movements with overt anti-Semitic language, according to Spanish authorities.

Three persons are detained by Spanish authorities after damaging synagogues and cemeteries

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