Corona injuries worldwide exceed 621 million

Corona injuries worldwide exceed 621 million

The number of verified infections with the newly developing coronavirus “Covid-19” worldwide increased to 621 million, 25,000, and 371 cases today, according to the American “Johns Hopkins University.”
The institution also noted that the most recent numbers posted on its website showed an increase in the number of deaths worldwide attributable to the virus to 6,556,900 and 290.

According to her, the United States reported the most infection cases worldwide, totaling more than 96.6 million injuries. India came in second place with more than 44.6 million illnesses, followed by Brazil with more than 34.7 million.

According to the most recent data, India is in third place with a total of 528 thousand and 778 deaths, followed by Brazil in second place with 686 thousand and 706 deaths. The United States topped the list of nations in terms of the number of deaths caused by infection with the virus with more than one million and 62 thousand cases.

Over 621 million corona injuries have occurred globally.

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