The Arab Parliament condemns Al-Houthi’s refusal to extend and expand the armistice in Yemen

The Arab Parliament condemns Al-Houthi’s refusal to extend and expand the armistice in Yemen

According to a proposal put out by UN Special Envoy to Yemen Hans Grundberg, the Arab Parliament criticised the Houthi militia’s unwillingness to extend and broaden the humanitarian truce in Yemen and warned of the consequences this refusal would have on the security and stability of the region.

“We deplore the Houthi group’s unwillingness to extend and broaden the humanitarian truce in Yemen, which was recommended by the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and endorsed by the recognised government,” the Arab Parliament stated in a statement released on Friday.
The statement warned that the Houthis’ unwillingness to extend the cease-fire would have serious consequences and “endanger security and stability in the region.”

He emphasised that the Houthis’ refusal to accept the extension is proof that they reject peace efforts and are determined to carry out “terrorist operations” both inside and outside of Yemen, which is obviously against all international agreements and standards.

The statement emphasised the need for the international community to support efforts to extend the humanitarian truce in Yemen because doing so is urgently needed to ease the suffering of the Yemeni people. It also urged the community to keep working to find a political solution to the crisis in Yemen in accordance with the recognised regional and international references.

Al-rejection Houthi’s to extend and broaden the armistice in Yemen is condemned by the Arab Parliament.

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