Philippines hands over 200 homes to surrendering terrorists

Philippines hands over 200 homes to surrendering terrorists

About 200 families who were among the militants, terrorists, and displaced people as a result of armed conflict will begin their new lives in newly constructed two-bedroom homes donated by the government in the three municipalities of the Maguindanao Province in the Philippines.
Sultan Kudarat’s location on a Philippine map
On October 6, 200 housing units with a value of P80,775776 were completed.

18 were given to recipients who had received rehabilitation services from Ministry of Public Works employees in Camp Darapa, which is situated in Sultan Kudarat.
Additionally, 50 dwelling units were constructed in the Upi village of Kibleg, 50 in the Parang village of Pinantao, and 100 in the Camp Daraban.
The goal of the project was to provide the lowest of the poor and families of those who had been turned in with better and safer housing.

The beneficiaries of the KAPYANAN Program in Muslim Mindanao were reminded to take care of their homes, which were supplied to them by the Bangsamoro government, specifically the office of the Prime Minister, by Assistant Prime Minister Abdullah Cusain, who is also the Director of the programme.
More than that, we want these communities to actually foster peace and understanding among them, Kosinvi added. “We would like to see these housing units as model communities.”

Kosinvi further pointed out that the administration is working to create a society that is both peaceful and decent.
Noraisa Pendaraya-Ebrahim, one of the recipients, congratulated the Bangsamoro government and others who contributed to the project’s success.
Numerous terrorists from anti-ISIS organisations including Abu Sayyaf, Maute, and Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters have turned themselves in to the government.

For terrorists who have turned themselves in, the Philippine government offers a variety of reintegration initiatives, including housing programmes, ongoing education, vocational training, agriculture, and others.
Terrorists who turned themselves in with arrest warrants, however, must go through the legal system.

Philippines provides 200 homes to terrorists who have come forward.

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