Italian Defense Minister: There is an urgent need to reach peace between Russia and Ukraine

Italian Defense Minister: There is an urgent need to reach peace between Russia and Ukraine

Italian Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini stressed on Friday the urgent need to reach peace between Russia and Ukraine.
Guerini said – in his speech at the opening ceremony of the new academic year for the Italian army training institutes in Turin, reported by the Italian news agency (AKI) – that the unjustified Russian attack witnessed Italy standing with conviction on the side of the suffering of the Ukrainian people with the aim of achieving real and lasting peace as soon as possible.

the fundamentals of international law.
“An important country like Italy is called to be a pioneer within international fora and in the alliances of which it is a member, to make its contribution to the stability of various regions of the world, in first and foremost in the vast region in which our national interests lie, namely the Mediterranean region,” he continued. We are currently in a season marked by the emergence of numerous crisis hotspots, whether smouldering or potentially flammable, he noted.

Italian Defense Minister: There is a pressing need for Russia and Ukraine to come to terms.

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