Saudi Energy Minister: OPEC’s decision comes first and last in the Kingdom’s interest

Saudi Energy Minister: OPEC’s decision comes first and last in the Kingdom’s interest

The decision of the “OPEC +” organisation is viewed first and foremost in the interest of the Kingdom and the nations that trusted it, according to Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, the Saudi Energy Minister.

The minister continued, “We are concerned first and foremost with the interests of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, then the interests of the countries that trusted us and that were and are members of the organisation.” This was in response to a press question regarding the decision of the “OPEC +” organisation to reduce total production by two million barrels per day, starting next November. which protects their individual and group interests is OPEC +.

By saying: “All our activities, whether we are OPEC or OPEC +, we were taking into consideration our interests and the interests of the world…,” the minister emphasised that the group is concerned with the development of the global economy in the best possible manner.

The management of OPEC +, what I did for oil and managing others, and what I did with gas, luxury, electricity, and other things are evidence that we are interested in supporting the growth of the world economy and delivering energy in the best possible way.

According to the Saudi Energy Minister, the decision made by OPEC is in the best interests of the Kingdom.

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