The Ministry of Agriculture offers new incentives for investment and is preparing to offer lands to Egyptians abroad

The Ministry of Agriculture offers new incentives for investment and is preparing to offer lands to Egyptians abroad

In front of the heads of the two ministries, Al-Qusair, Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, and Ambassador Suha Gendy, Minister of State for Immigration and Egyptians Abroad Affairs, met to discuss encouraging Egyptians living abroad to invest in various industries, including agriculture.

During the “short” meeting, he welcomed the Minister of Immigration, praising the ministry’s role in promoting national projects and areas of investment attractive to Egyptians abroad, and reviewed a number of priority files in the investment field, such as the Egyptian rural project, fish farms, dairy collection centers, manufacturing and exporting dates, agricultural processing, animal and poultry production He pointed out that there are many opportunities to stimulate investments by Egyptians abroad by facilitating the procedures for establishing companies.

Due to their strong ties to the land and the fact that agriculture is a stable and long-term industry, Al-Qusair continued, the data supports the desire of Egyptians living abroad in agricultural production projects.

Given the demand for such high-quality items around the world, he emphasised the prospects to export medicinal and aromatic plants, saying he welcomed collaboration with the Minister of Immigration to open the doors of export for Egyptian products to other markets.

The Minister of Agriculture added that there are millions of Egyptians living abroad who can participate in these investments and to promote projects as the best ambassadors of Egypt in the countries of residence. Egyptian products have a good reputation and specifications that are popular in most countries of the world, and we welcome the opening of other new markets, and we seek to promote our products.

Al-Qusair stated that there are development plans for land reclamation, such as the Future of Egypt project, whose area exceeds 300,000 acres, pointing to the possibility of allocating agricultural spaces for Egyptians abroad. He added that the field of agricultural investment has a promising future and a stable sector globally amid efforts to secure food needs.

The Minister of Agriculture emphasised that there are other projects in which Egyptians living abroad can invest, such as greenhouses, long-term land reclamation projects, seed development, export stations, modern irrigation needs, agricultural industrialization and what it means for added value and significant profit potential, and aromatic products. drying fruits, juices, and other foods

In addition to the poultry and fish sectors, the minister of agriculture noted that the dairy and meat production industries offer excellent opportunities for Egyptians to invest abroad. He also noted that the ministry has listed 13 locations in 9 governorates on the investment map of Egypt at the Investment Authority for poultry wealth projects, in addition to other investment opportunities that will be sent.

The Ministry of Immigration will disseminate it via its official website and social media accounts in order to enlighten Egyptians living in all corners of the globe.

Specifically within the framework of the joint-stock company that the Prime Minister directed to establish in response to the report submitted by the Ministry of Immigration, including the recommendations and demands of the participants in the conference, Ambassador Suha Gendy explained that the Ministry of Immigration is keen to seek the opinion of the ministries concerned with providing incentives and facilitation to encourage Egyptians abroad to invest in Egypt. For Egyptians living abroad is the third.

The Minister of Immigration stated that a survey of a sample of Egyptians living abroad revealed that real estate and agricultural investment, which includes land reclamation, livestock, and fish farming, are in the interests of the majority of those who registered in their proposals for their desired investment fields. He added that a large portion of Egyptians living abroad are simple workers who seek to secure their future and I

In response to the recommendations of the Conference of Egyptian Entities Abroad, the Minister of Immigration stated that the Prime Minister had approved the establishment of a company for Egyptians abroad to support the national economy and contribute to national projects. He added that the current period is one of coordination with all relevant authorities to produce the company in a way that meets the aspirations of citizens and reflects the priorities in the state’s agenda.

The Minister of Immigration mentioned the actions that have been taken, beginning with a meeting with the Chairman of the Investment Authority, the Ministers of Finance, Trade, and Industry, and the Chairman of the Financial Supervisory Authority to discuss mechanisms for forming the company in accordance with the facilities and incentives offered by the state to investors.

In order to convey the investment prospects accessible in Egypt according to the investment map and according to their areas of competence, the Minister of Immigration announced the beginning of organising discussion sessions with Egyptian investors overseas. Fish farms, livestock production, agricultural reclamation, and other connected initiatives.

The Ministry of Agriculture is prepared to offer Egyptians lands overseas and providing new investment incentives.

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