Doomsday torpedo… What is the Russian Poseidon that threatens to wipe out Britain and New York? (photo)

Doomsday torpedo… What is the Russian Poseidon that threatens to wipe out Britain and New York? (photo)

According to the newspaper, the American and British lake forces do not have torpedoes capable of hitting the Russian torpedo, which gives Poseidon immunity and makes the Western fleets practically unprotected from the new Russian weapons.
Komsomolskaya Pravda said that the two multi-mission Russian nuclear submarines “Belgorod” and “Khabarovsk” each carry 6 unmanned torpedoes of this type.

The publication claims that the American and British lake forces lack torpedoes that can destroy the Russian torpedo, giving Poseidon protection and leaving the Western fleets essentially defenceless against the new Russian weapons.
The two multi-mission Russian nuclear submarines “Belgorod” and “Khabarovsk” each have six of these unmanned torpedoes, according to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Due to its nuclear engine, Poseidon has an unrestricted field of attack, can strike aircraft carriers, submarines, and naval ships, and does so at a speed of 200 km.
It is also capable of being absolutely silent while waiting for a command to be sent from a Khabarovsk or Belgorod submarine at the bottom of the sea or ocean.
The Greek god of the sea originally went by the name Poseidon, which is a name from that culture.

The NATO intelligence report claimed that Putin is on the verge of challenging the West once more because his covert “Poseidon” torpedo carries a combat warhead with a power of 100 megatons, according to the Russia Today website. This alarming claim was made by the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica,” which was cited by Russia Today. This thermonuclear torpedo may launch waves 500 metres high, wiping out Britain and leaving behind nothing but a radioactive wasteland in its wake.

Major cities including New York and Los Angeles might be completely destroyed by this catastrophic cyclone.

A senior British defence source told the Times of London on Monday that NATO has issued an intelligence report to its members and allies warning that the Kremlin is planning to test the so-called nuclear torpedo drones are “doomsday.” The New York Post also cited an intelligence report that US Defense Department officials fear that Russian President Vladimir Putin may demonstrate his military might by testing a huge nuclear torpedo called Poseidon.

Poseidon is a long-range underwater nuclear weapon created to reach targets underwater and destroy coastal cities at a great distance.
According to sources, such a test would take place in the Black Sea close to the Ukrainian border in order for Putin to demonstrate his willingness to carry out his threat “using all available measures,” including nuclear weapons.

The submarine-based nuclear torpedo has also been employed by the Russian military as a tactical weapon against groups of aircraft carriers and other surface ships.
Poseidon is thought to be equipped with a 2-megaton nuclear weapon, which is 150 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb launched in 1945.
NATO had not sent any warnings regarding the Poseidon missile, a Western diplomat claimed to Reuters on Tuesday. The Kremlin refuted the claim.

Doomsday missile What is the Russian Poseidon that poses a threat to the destruction of both London and New York? (photo)

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